Application: Spray evenly on clothes and shoes, distance 30cm and avoid wetting. It protects against bites through clothes and repels insects from clothes and also helps to repel from unprotected skin.
Minimal drug use of 0.18% + 99.82% water as a carrier protect people and the environment.
The effect lasts up to 3 months, repeat apllication as needed and after washing.The treatment acts twice as repellent and with knock-down effect – insects fall off after some time of contact, but mostly they leave before.
Nomaquito spray impregnation against insects can be used in the entire household. In general it can be used everywhere where water vapor and moisture mist do not damage materials. (you can also try at less noticeable test site).
Use biocides with care! They do not belong in children's hands!
Don't use if you have allergic reactions on ingredients!
Don't spray in the eyes! Read label and product information carefuly!
Very toxic to aquatic organisms! Safely remove or cover food from the
application area.